Our history is made out of different experiences, competencies and technologies now merged in one project driven by a common belief: continuous research and development, the only way for innovation.
- 1945
- 1957
- 70's
- 80's
- 1990 - 2000
- 2005 - 2006
- 2007
- 2011
- 2014 - 2016
- 2017
- 2018 - 2019
- 2020
- 2021
The story began in 1945 from an idea of Camillo Catelli who started in a small factory producing machines for the tomato processing industry.

In 1957 the first Rossi & Catelli evaporator was patented.

The 1970s were years of great innovations and the launch of new products.
The Vesuvio peeler, Califfo and Venus evaporators, Stematic Long-Run and Olimpic UHT sterilizers were just a few of the groundbreaking products.

In the 80’s innovation continued.
New ideas were developed and new products created, such as the enzymatic inactivator Eldorado.

1990 - 2000
The 90’s were the booming years for Chinese tomato processing industry.
In the early 2000 the first Apollo evaporator was installed.

2005 - 2006
In 2005 Manzini and Comaco were acquired by Rossi & Catelli. In 2006, Rossi & Catelli became CFT (Catelli Food Technology).

In 2007 Raytec Vision, company leader in the sorting technologies industry, became part of CFT Group.

In 2011 SBC and its brands Sima and Sympak were acquired by CFT, adding a significant know-how to the Group.

2014 - 2016
In 2014 all Italian operational and commercial activities are concentrated in a single plant.
In 2016, the company Rolec Prozess und Brautechnk became part of CFT Group and we started to
work together for the Brewing industry.

The company Levati Food Tech, leader in batch retorts design and production, became part of CFT Group.

2018 - 2019
In 2018, we consolidated our range of End of Line solutions and acquired two Italian companies:
COMAC, leader in kegging and bottling systems for the Brewing, Industry and Milk Project, operating in the Milk & Dairy sector.
In 2019, we acquired the Italian company SIAPI, which operates in the blow-molding market.

The brand CFT Robotics was founded to develop state-of-the-art robotics systems mainly for the End of Line sector.

CFT Group became part of ATS Corporation, a multinational group that provides industry-leading automation solutions for many of the world’s most successful companies.

Do you need more information?
Via Paradigna, 94/A – 43122 Parma, Italy
+39 0521 277111
Share Capital €10,000,000
REA Number 274277
Business register of Parma
Tax code and VAT number 09935170960